
Everyday 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.
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18.11.2024, 09:34

хороший сервис,предоставляет возможность делать переводы с помощью Friends and Family хоть и коммисия берет свое,мне понравилось,лучше покупать в рабочие дни т.к. суббота и воскресенье не рабочие дни

15.11.2024, 09:17

This time it takes longer because their website is being attacked by DDoS as they said, but it still works just fine. Recommended

15.11.2024, 07:28

Very good and helpful service. Have done on time. Thanks.

07.11.2024, 10:38

Trusted service, helpful and fast support, received my money in 6 hours.

07.11.2024, 09:18

i used the website change pr and the experience was quite nice. the ui was really nice

07.11.2024, 09:15

i used website exchanger okpays and the experience was quite smooth. the UI is very nice.

07.11.2024, 02:31

Trusted service, helpful and fast support, received my money in 6 hours.

31.10.2024, 19:23

Без икаквих проблема. Свака препорука!

25.10.2024, 11:38

كل الأحترام والله
امانة وثقة

25.10.2024, 11:38

كل الأحترام
امانة وثقة ونسبة معقولة

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